Hey Foxwell Friends 🙂

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Since launching AOVboost, our AOV has increased significantly.  We’re seeing higher order values than we ever have before.  Not only is the UX and UI clean and seamless on the front end, it’s also incredibly easy and fast to set up offers in the admin.

“Simple to install, launched our first offer in less than 5 minutes, and generated over $10k in additional revenue for us in the first month. If you’re not using AOVboost you’re leaving money on the table.”

“Solid app. Made an extra $600 in revenue overnight. Paid off the monthly subscription within the first day.”

- Dan, ForChics

“Worth every penny. This app pays for itself.. Immediately added 10% to our AOV. I’ve recommended it to every store owner I know!”

- Naveed, Switch Research

Avg. Merchant Stats

6.7% Avg. take rate
$5,320 Avg. monthly revenue
3.2 days Avg. time to ROI


$7,065 Free trial revenue
$105,099 Single month revenue
34.88% Monthly take rate